Braidless Microlinks Sew-ins: Four Things Your Should Know: what it is, how it is done, who is a candidate, and if the method is safe.
What it is:
The Braidless Microlink Sew-ins are no-braid weaving techniques. This technique allows for clients to enhance their hair color, add fullness, or length to their hair. It also gives hairstyle versatility, can help clients take better care of their natural hair and feel their scalp.
How it is done:
The Braidless Microlink Sew-in is a linking method that does not require braids or glue. The base is created with links or microbeads then the weft hair extensions is sewn to the beaded rows.
Ideal candidate:
The ideal candidate is one that has three to four inches of hair. Someone who desire to try something new, want to have better access to their scalp, have style versatility and want to take better care of their own hair.
Is it safe:
The Braidless Microlinks Sew-in install is a safe method for most. When it comes to extensions the way to play it safe is by adhering to maintenance and wear guidelines that are specific to your hair and your hair care needs as outlined by your hair care professional.
If you want to book a consultation with The Shantastic Hair Life salon, click here.